Empowered Queen * Module Four * Transform My Diet, Food And How I Nourish My Body *

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Self Love & Self Care Module Four

Transform my Diet, Food and how I Nourish my Body.

Do you have a nourishing diet and food routine which moves you to your goals ?

Do you have body, health, weight goals you want to achieve yet don't really pay attention to what you eat ?

Do you feel good in your body and confident in yourself ?

Do you love the way you nourish your body or are you always falling off track or committing to something which does not work or inspire you ?

Perhaps you think its all about cardio to shift those pounds and get fit ?

Or perhaps you think you will always be stuck how you are or have you never really given to much attention to your diet and feel overwhelmed ?

Is your energy sluggish, you feel bloated and you have little vitality yet you dream of feeling filled with vitality and confident as a women in the world.

Self Love & Self Care Module Four

Transform my Diet, Food and how I Nourish my Body.

A workbook set out in a step process to look at what your current food routine and illuminate how you feel about it.

  • Dive into taking stock of what you are actually eating day to day.
  • Look at each meal time and what features. 
  • Illuminate any patterns and own them for what they are.
  • Evaluate your relationship with you and what are the saboteurs.
  • Identify who in your life are saboteurs and evaluate how you can disarm them and avoid this occurring repeatedly.
  • List out the foods, hydration, liquids you plan to include in a transformed diet which make you feel vitality and help you move to your goals.
  • Create a Vision Board for the look and feel of your diet, add nutritional products, rainbow colour foods and ideas you plan to include.
  • Include nutritional supplements for your health and wellness.
  • Make a commitment to Yourself for Yourself.

Extras For Healing & Energy Clearing

  • Including an `Energy Clearing` Process to close the day, clear your energy field and bring you back to your heart centre core. With a full explanation of this process.
  • Including `Embody The Light` to utilise when ever you feel you need to reconnect to Source Energy, your Spirit Guides and bring Light into your Body & Soul.

To healing & embodying your divine you.

Love and Enrichment
Laara x

Please Note these modules are designed to be used as a complete transformation One to Eight.
This is the most divine and transformative journey than as individual modules.

If required clients can request a VIP session or 1:1 Mastermind to craft a deeper transformation and to be supported on their journey.
See: www.theempoweredqueen.com/offerings

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Empowered Queen * Module Four * Transform My Diet, Food And How I Nourish My Body *

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